Monthly Archives: August 2009

Some Mutual Funds are Trying to Emulate Hedge Funds

Janet Paskin of the Wall Street Journal reports that mutual funds are trying to emulate hedge funds in an attempt to satisfy average investors needs in alternative fund classes. In the past, hedge funds have been the investment country clubs for wealthy investors. The average investor had no access to hedge funds because he/she was deemed too unsophisticated to research […]

The Missing Element of Your Risk Management

We all have heard about the importance of risk management and how crucial it is to our success. However, nobody really talks about all the elements of the risk management. The most talked about risk management is market risk. Then credit risk. After that, you hear about counterparty and operational risks. As a previous risk manager, I can tell you […]

Today’s Thomas Jefferson of Enterprise: Charles Koch

The main problem of the people of the United States is a lack of understanding of the path – a path taken by FDR that bought stability at the cost of growth that continued from 1929’s crash to 1959, the time period it took for the market to recover!  The people are not well informed because they are buying what […]

Brighton House Associates Q2 2009 Report on Hedge Fund Demand (West Palm Beach) – During the first quarter, most alternative investors spent their time rebalancing their portfolios, redeeming with current managers, and waiting for the market to correct itself. This process freed up capital and uncovered gaps in portfolios, ultimately leading to a significant increase in alternative investment interest in the second quarter, according to a report by Brighton […]