There is only one solution for Independents and Republicans to survive the Obamniac invasion. There are simply too many “movements” to fight to survive and by the time the trend subsides the U.S. will have only one party. History warns against feeding the Tyrannical Leviathan.
Jeffersonians – mostly Independents and Republicans – offer a solution to reform the Republicans and Independents into a single political party called Jeffersonians that espouse the central platforms of both.
The only solution to kill the governmental Leviathan before it grows to a size that is untamable, is to create a party platform for the Independents and Republicans that includes the following two rules:
1 – A polling committee of Independents and Republicans will agree to the resignation of one candidate 3 days before the election to preclude a “splitting of votes.”
2 – If the committee’s poll reflects separation of less than 5% between the two candidates, the prevailing candidate MUST compromise on certain of the top platform issues and positions of the yielding candidate.
Peter J. de Marigny / DITMo Capital / AMERICADE