By Joyce E. Heinzerling, Principal at Meridian Fund Advisers
Attached is a brief summary of the more than 400 pages of rule proposals recently released by the SEC pertaining to regulations implementing Dodd-Frank’s mandated hedge fund and private equity fund registration and reporting regime.
SEC Rule Proposals – Registration and Reporting (pdf 158KB)
In preparing the summary, I intended to provide you with a “Plain English” outline of the proposed rules and not a detailed analysis, as the proposed rules are in any event subject to a 45-day comment period. The summary of the proposed rules covers which investments advisers will have to register with the SEC, which advisers will be exempt from registration with the SEC, and which advisers will have to register with the states rather than the SEC.
Also included is a reference to the timeline proposed by the SEC for implementation of the final rules, as well as remarks pertaining to an adviser’s own timeline for SEC registration, if necessary.
About Alex Akesson
Alex has been specializing in hedge fund and alternative investment news since April 2006. Working mainly in research and manager interviews, she has published breaking news on the hedge fund industry on her blog, as well as several industry publications.
Her access to hedge fund managers gives her insight into news stories as well, and the ability to track press releases and other breaking news in real time.
Summary of SEC Proposed Regulations Implementing Dodd-Frank’s Mandated Hedge Fund and Private Equity Fund Registration and Reporting Regime
By Joyce E. Heinzerling, Principal at Meridian Fund Advisers
Attached is a brief summary of the more than 400 pages of rule proposals recently released by the SEC pertaining to regulations implementing Dodd-Frank’s mandated hedge fund and private equity fund registration and reporting regime.
SEC Rule Proposals – Registration and Reporting (pdf 158KB)
In preparing the summary, I intended to provide you with a “Plain English” outline of the proposed rules and not a detailed analysis, as the proposed rules are in any event subject to a 45-day comment period. The summary of the proposed rules covers which investments advisers will have to register with the SEC, which advisers will be exempt from registration with the SEC, and which advisers will have to register with the states rather than the SEC.
Also included is a reference to the timeline proposed by the SEC for implementation of the final rules, as well as remarks pertaining to an adviser’s own timeline for SEC registration, if necessary.
About Alex Akesson
Alex has been specializing in hedge fund and alternative investment news since April 2006. Working mainly in research and manager interviews, she has published breaking news on the hedge fund industry on her blog, as well as several industry publications. Her access to hedge fund managers gives her insight into news stories as well, and the ability to track press releases and other breaking news in real time.