Happy Friday. As in many of the large tech IPOs, many of us tend to spend most of the day keeping up with the news as it breaks. To help us all keep up with it, I will be running a live blog and posting updates as they break.
- Facebook opens at $42 as a 13% pop!
- Will BONO make more on the Facebook IPO than on his Career in Music?
- NASDAQ is “experiencing delay, in opening FB”
- Anyone ready to call it a day and play the Facebook IPO Drinking Game?
- Facebook, Apple and Zynga lighting up the boards at StockTwits
- Forbes: 8 Stocks Set to Soar of of Facebooks IPO (hint: RENN QPSA FFN ZAGG SKUL YELP LNKD ZNGA)
- WSJ Market Beat Blog: Facebook IPO Remakes 2012 Scorecard
- 50 minutes till Facebook starts trading
- Bloomberg: Facebook sued for 15 billion on IPO Day
- What does Facebook IPO mean for Hedge Funds?
- Forbes Blogger Dave Their – on where Facebook’s Revenue Growth is Going to Come From (hint: it’s gaming)
- Mashable posts pictures of Facebook from IPO Day
- Bloomberg – Mark Zuckerberg is Richer than the Google Founders making him the 29th Richest Person on earth!
- Betabeat is also Liveblogging the Facebook IPO
- Benzinga: 5 Problems the Facebook IPO won’t Solve
- The opening bell has rung – image courtesy of http://instagr.am/p/KxQtZ4Cz5q/
- Gizmodo reminds us that the Facebook IPO won’t make you rich.
- Got a prediction of Facebook’s IPO Closing Price? Visit http://www.facebookipodayclosingprice.com/ the average closing share price is $54.
- May 16th: Venture Beat Guest Blogger Justin Kistner thinks Facebook will do much better than you think