
A contact of mine in the alternative investment industry, Mike Swanson, sent me a letter, it seems his building was hit by a tornado;

“Some bad stuff just happened to me. You think of disasters as something that happens to other people, but sometimes they do strike at you. One guy almost died, another man got put in the hospital and couldn’t remember his name. It was like hell opened up. ”

There are some pictures and details, as well as some interesting info about a new Small Cap News Report by Michael W. McGowan.

About Alex Akesson

Alex has been specializing in hedge fund and alternative investment news since April 2006. Working mainly in research and manager interviews, she has published breaking news on the hedge fund industry on her blog, as well as several industry publications. Her access to hedge fund managers gives her insight into news stories as well, and the ability to track press releases and other breaking news in real time.
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