Today’s Thomas Jefferson of Enterprise: Charles Koch

The main problem of the people of the United States is a lack of understanding of the path – a path taken by FDR that bought stability at the cost of growth that continued from 1929’s crash to 1959, the time period it took for the market to recover!  The people are not well informed because they are buying what didn’t work before today.

“Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”

Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, January 8, 1789

Time to form a new political party, “Republitarians.”  Otherwise there is no constraint to the growth of government, the burden of over-reaching regulations, the re-creation of ‘the new society,’ government’s intrusive hand replacing the Smith’s invisible hand, the penalization of success, the bailout of union worker oligopolies, supply-sided tariffs – must I go on?  Oh, if there was just someone to re-write Locke’s “The “Second Treatise of Government” or the

Most venture capitalists and business magnates understand that quite simply, liberty fertilizes entrepreneurialism and frees the boundless potential of the individual. Every student of political philosophy understands that government exists at the cost of liberty.  Government is Constitutionally empowered by inclusion not exclusion, that is, government was thought to be constrained to the powers expressly given, not unbounded except to limitations.

Better said, …”it is the great parent of science & of virtue: and that a nation will be great in both, always in proportion as it is free.”

Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Willard, March 24, 1789

Now, to introduce today’s version of Thomas Jefferson, if ole Tom was an entrepreneur instead of a politician: Charles Koch.  CEO of one of the world’s largest private companies, employer of about 70,000 workers.  He probably knows a bit more than a professional politician about growth and business.  He says:

“Once again, massive government interventions – including bailouts, takeovers and makework programs – are being offered as the “solution” to our economic problems.

Once again, leaders are suggesting we can solve the problem by creating even more government agencies while piling on even more regulations.  Once again, the government – rather than the market – is picking who wins or loses. It is markets, not government, that can provide the strongest engine for growth, lifting us out of these troubling times.  If we are foolish enough to ignore some of the most painful lessons of history, then we will almost certainly make the same mistakes on a devastating scale.”

How can we with good conscience limit U.S. intelligence while ensuring rights to terrorists?  Only government is mindless enough to weaken those who ensure our liberty and strengthen those who are dead set on destroying it.

If government can’t get it right to understand that intelligence ensures liberty, how can anybody believe that government is a better steward of our economy?

“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” –Thomas Jefferson

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