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The Delicate Balance Between Government Financial Reform and Unintended Consequences

In last Saturday’s edition of the New York Times, Joe Nocera wrote an interesting piece outlining some of the major obstacles currently facing the House Financial Services Committee.  The agency, which considers measures ranging from the banking industry to economic issues to insurance, is responsible for drafting a new financial reform package on behalf of the Obama Administration.  At the […]

Too Big To Learn

            With a bad habit of ignoring profound systemic problems, Federal Treasury officials are now securing a system that encourages the same careless risk-taking that originally got us into this mess. With this week marking the one-year anniversary since Lehman Brothers imploded, it is only appropriate to discuss the faulty system that protects and rewards failing financial institutions.             The […]

The Securities and Exchange Commission Post-Madoff Reforms

The SEC has just released the information below regarding the actions it will take in the wake of the Madoff scandal. Pillsbury is sponsoring a program in San Francisco on this topic, October 8, 2009. In the wake of the Madoff fraud, the SEC’s Office of the Inspector General launched an internal investigation in December 2008 to determine why the […]

Cash for Clunkers Part II: Dealers Have Clunkers, No Cash

Cash for Clunkers Part II: Dealers Have Clunkers, No Cash             In last week’s first Cash for Clunkers installment, Cash for Clunkers Part I: Good for Businesses?, I discussed the potential threat the program poses for small businesses. This week I am presenting Part II.             Auto dealers across the country have been accepting qualified jalopies from consumers in exchange […]

BHA Q1 2009 Alternative Investor Report

Working with a group of 150 alternative investment managers, alternative investor research company, Brighton House Associates,(BHA) published its Quarterly Research Report highlighting insights and trends from this research that are most pertinent to industry professionals. In summary of the report, the markets continued their downward trend in Q1, but the ability of hedge fund managers and alternative investors to adapt […]