Tag Archives: Bank Failure

Stock Market Investing: Technical/Fundamental Battle, Investment Strategy: Ride the Gravy Train, FOMC Policy, Consumer Credit, Busi. Bankruptcy

Stock Market Investing: A battle between investment disciplines has developed over the last 3 weeks. As discussed in the Oct. 28th post, numerous warning signs of a technical nature are flashing. However, last week’s news headlines were replete with US$ bearish/equity market bullish fundamental data. Which discipline will ultimately prevail, technical or fundamental? The answer is unclear, for now we […]

Rebuilding Your Wealth with Real Estate

              As our economy slowly recovers, many investors are concerned with recouping the money they lost during the crisis. Pulling your funds out of investments all together will do nothing to bulk up your savings, while sinking your money into risky funds can do further damage. So, with black-and-white options not offering solutions, where can investors put their money to […]

Some See Banking Failures When Others Eye Banking Opportunities

  Lost in the shuffle of the recent economic crisis, American financial institutions now have the opportunity to service clients of their now-failed counterparts. No where has this been more evident than the world of hedge fund prime brokerage. When Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns failed, the rest of the banking industry went into defense mode and began to cut […]