Tag Archives: brokers

FINRA Bonus Disclosure Rule to SEC

Dear Friends, On March 10, 2014, FINRA filed a proposal with the SEC requiring brokers who receive more than $100,000 in incentive compensation to switch firms, to disclose to clients how much they are paid. Brokers would disclose a compensation range in $500,000 to $1,000,000 bands. The proposed rule was approved by FINRA in September 2013, in an effort to […]

The Delicate Balance Between Government Financial Reform and Unintended Consequences

In last Saturday’s edition of the New York Times, Joe Nocera wrote an interesting piece outlining some of the major obstacles currently facing the House Financial Services Committee.  The agency, which considers measures ranging from the banking industry to economic issues to insurance, is responsible for drafting a new financial reform package on behalf of the Obama Administration.  At the […]