Tag Archives: euro
Saving Europe
There are almost 40 billion euro reasons that Germany wants to replace Merkel. Since the 1992 Maastrich Treaty, the EU was a dream that portended great things – create a trading bloc and a currency. By 2002 the Euro was created with rules that capped GDP deficit spending to 103%. The rules were almost immediately broken and in the same […]
Week in Review: NYSE Comp. in Defined Downtrend, Credit Market Troubles Continue as Europe Leads the Decline, NFP Data Disappoints
The news moving markets today centers around fears about renewed economic weakness and continued credit market deterioration. I have included a number of stories below offering a good cross-section of the situation. Meanwhile, traditional technical analysis helps tone down the noise and offers a pure indication of who is in control: the buyers or the sellers. To that end, the […]
Equity Markets Continue to Bleed. Why? German Stupidity, Volcker Rule and the Carry Trade Unwind
As usual European news leads the way with a ridiculous ’shoot in the foot’ decision coming out of Germany… Merkel will announce, on Wednesday, a financial transactions tax, and a ban on naked short selling on 10 of the “most-important” financial institutions in Germany. Ban also applies to CDS and Euro govt bonds. Will remain in place for an indefinite period of […]
Equity Markets Plummet and Bounce: CNBC Reports a Finger is the Culprit…Q: Index or Middle?
The news cycle is moving almost as fast and furious as the equity markets. I have combined commentary from around the web that I feel best represents the issues we are all facing. Needless to say, the CNBC story suggesting a ‘fat finger’ was the cause of the market chaos we witnessed last week is pure tripe…unless of course they […]
Jim Rogers: Greece, Euro and the Speculator
Jim Rogers, the perennial purveyor of logic and reason, weighs in on Greece, the Euro and governements’ shameful attack on the “speculator” BE ADVISED: The video you are about the witness may cause temporary confusion mixed with bewilderment. It may sound like Jim is speaking a language you cannot identify; rest assured the language is English. However, he is using […]
Lending Falls, Bad Loans Haunt Big Banks, Mass Layoffs Surge, Greece vs California
The equity markets dropped on average 1.5% Monday and this morning another 1.5% decline is underway. I mentioned, in A Review of the RCM Investment Strategy, the defensive posture we at RCM have taken. I said, “We have deployed our assets in a manner we feel most appropriate for the environment we are experiencing.” The following news items should help illustrate what […]
DITMo Special Commentary 6/12
Portfolio Manager Commentary The June2012 report was delayed about a week to allow for commentary on Obamacare and EU election outcomes. SCOTUS delayed their decision until as late as 29June post the date of this report. The June Commentary will focus instead on our eristic speculation of certain geopolitical events potentially to occur imminently and considerations of these events on […]