Winds of change for your portfolio

National Post – If you take the first five years of the new millennium and project them into the future, it’s not hard to figure out what a typical investment portfolio will consist of at the end of the decade: oil, oil and more oil.

But let’s face it, how often is today’s hot investment still the leading trend five years down the road? As any investor who loaded up on tech stocks in the late 1990s will tell you: not very often.

With that in mind, the Financial Post has taken a comprehensive look at what investing trends are likely to unfold over the second half of the decade.

The retail and institutional portfolios of 2010 will bear some resemblance to today’s portfolios — but get ready for some big changes as well. After all, Baby Boomers will be retiring in greater numbers over the next five years and will be looking at different investments to meet their needs.

As well, alternative energy — which is still largely in its formative years — will become a going concern as the world wrestles with high energy prices and dwindling resources.

And then there is the growing influence of hedge funds as more and more money pours into these alternative investment vehicles, plus the return of Japan as the leading light in Asia.

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