West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.Net)- Matrix announced the launch a new fund of hedge funds (FOHF), the Matrix Emerging Markets Index Fund. The FOHF is designed to allow participation in the upside of emerging markets, whilst reducing downside risk. The initial offering opens on the 28th of January through the 20th of February 2007.
The FOHF is being managed by Maxam Capital Management LLC, with approximately 40 underlying hedge funds, the portfolio will be broadly diversified across emerging market regions and asset classes.
According to the predicted launch portfolio of the new fund, back tested, the FOHF would have provided total returns of 305% but with a maximum drawdown of only 9.71% over the period from the beginning of 2000 to the end of November 2007.
"The portfolio will consist of around 40 Underlying hedge funds heavily diversified across the Far East, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East and will include equities, debt, distressed securities and currency managers, " Bridget Guerin, managing director of Matrix Money Management said, "The managers in the portfolio will be able to hedge out risk via short exposure and other techniques."
Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: alex@hedgeco.net
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