Oil & Natural Gas Hedge Fund Ends Year On High Note

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANew York (HedgeCo.Net) – The Caritas Royalty Fund has successfully navigated the turbulent oil & natural gas markets at the end of the year, generating a +30% net return for investors in 2014, the hedge fund reports today.

“We divested certain assets just prior to the oil price decline, locking in a material gain and maximizing investor returns in a very difficult commodity price environment.” Derren Geiger, Portfolio Manager of the Caritas Royalty Fund, said.

“The recent price slide is beneficial for us moving forward as we have the ability to deploy capital toward attractive oil and natural gas assets at a much lower price threshold, significantly reducing downside risk exposure. It’s definitely a buyer’s market and we will be very active in the acquisition phase of our operations over the next few quarters,” Geiger said.

With a track record spanning over 10 years, the Caritas Royalty Fund has generated a +19% net annualized return since inception. Managed by Cornerstone Acquisition & Management Company LLC, the Caritas Royalty Fund invests in private oil and natural gas assets throughout the Continental U.S.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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