West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net) – Alternative investment manager, Investcorp, sponsored a group of Bahraini students from the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP), to spend a day at Investcorp’s London office, meeting and questioning senior managers and learning about hedge funds and other alternative investments.
As a global operator with strong roots in the Gulf region, Investcorp was of great interest to the group. Presentations on Investcorp’s various business areas were made by Carsten Hagenbucher, who presented on private equity; Jonathan Feeney, who spoke on hedge funds, and Alex Lien, who discussed technology investment.
"The Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program should be congratulated on providing such an exceptional opportunity for young Bahraini students to take places in top international Universities and Colleges." Investcorp President and Chief Operating Officer, Gary Long, said, "Investcorp is very proud to continue its support of the program."
Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: alex@hedgeco.net
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