HedgeCo.net – The following is the latest information on proposed legislation for the New York State Assembly. Led by Assemblyman William F. Boyland Jr., New York State Assembly Bill – A06583 seeks to authorize investments in hedge funds and fund-of-hedge funds on behalf of public pension systems domiciled in the State of New York. Asy. Boyland has requested that Finch Asset Management assist him in developing the legislation.
The finished Bill will provide a clearly defined road map for investment into hedge funds and fund-of-hedge funds, while safeguarding both fiduciary capital and trustees of public pension systems domiciled in the State of New York.
Finch Asset Management considers this landmark piece of legislation as significant in establishing hedge funds and fund-of-hedge funds as viable investments for the institutional US pension fund community.
Please find attached a copy of the proposed legislation.
For further questions, please contact:
Anthony Fischli
Please click on the following link to view the proposed legislation:
Please click on the following link for additional information on Asy. William F. Boyland Jr.:
Proposed Legislation for the New York State Assembly
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