Independent Valuation And Hedge Fund Risk Control

West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.Net)- Recent financial statistics have shown that pension plans are beginning to out-pace high net individuals with respect to hedge fund investing. At the same time, sub-prime funds struggle in the aftermath of blow-ups such as Amaranth and Bayou.

According to Dr. Susan M. Mangiero, CFA, Accredited Valuation Analyst and certified Financial Risk Manager, “Pension fiduciaries are on the hook for making sure that they have done everything possible to avoid a hedge fund meltdown. We want to help plan sponsors before trouble starts. Issues such as independent valuations and good risk controls are essential but that is just the tip of the iceberg.”

In an effort to assist plan sponsors in this area, Pension Governance is presenting the Hedge Fund Toolbox series today, (June 26th) and later this week (June 28). The discussion covers the role of the pension consultant and proper valuation policies and procedures.

The Hedge Fund Toolbox is a series of six webinars that focus on hedge fund economics, operations and legal considerations. These two events are hosted by Pension Governance as a way to shed light on a sometimes mysterious corner of the investment world.

Pension Governance is an independent research and analysis company that focuses on benefit plan investment risk, corporate strategy, valuation and accounting issues, with the fiduciary perspective in mind. The company is sponsored by HedgeCo.Net, Albourne Village, Lipper Hedge World and the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts.

Alex Akesson

Contributing Writer

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