West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net) – BlackRock, Inc. confirmed that negotiations are ongoing with U.K.’s third-largest bank, Barclays Bank plc, about the potential purchase of Barclays Global Investors (BGI), including the iShares business.
“The discussions are not yet concluded and there are a number of significant open issues which could affect the nature and terms of any transaction,” Barclays said in a statement.
BlackRock’s BGI buyout will break its own record in a hedge fund transaction, when in 2006 BlackRock took over Merrill Lynch’s asset management business for $8.5 billion. The unconfirmed selling price is $12 billion to $13 billion. Other contenders for Barclays Global Investors include the Bank of New York Mellon and some Kuwaiti sovereign wealth funds, among others.
Alex Akesson
Edtior for HedgeCo.Net
Email: alex@hedgeco.net
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