Jacob Schmidt in New Venture

Jacob H Schmidt, the international financial markets expert and global hedge fund consultant and Adjunct Professor of Investments at the American Webster University has set up a new venture, Schmidt Research Partners as a division of SFP-International Limited, a firm of financial consultants, where he is in charge of research.

Says Jacob Schmidt: “The new firm Schmidt Research Partners will focus on research in alternative investment strategies and risk management where we have a lot of experience and excellent relationships. I am known for finding early talent and we will continue to specialise in that space.”

Jacob Schmidt, co-founder and former director of global hedge fund rating & research at Allenbridge Hedgeinfo, a global hedge fund rating firm, continues to be associated with Allenbridge as a consultant. Jacob developed Allenbridge Hedgeinfo’s rating methodology in 1999/2000.

“After having set up and developed Allenbridge Hedgeinfo’s business model and rating methodology I am happy to see that Allenbridge Hedgeinfo has grown into an internationally respected hedge fund rating provider. This allows me now to pass on the baton to my colleagues while still being available to the business as a consultant.” adds Jacob Schmidt regarding the rating business.

Jacob on future plans of his new firm Schmidt Research Partners: “We are planning to expand into seed / venture capital and fund management to complement our activities.”

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