The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index is up 1.63% for September 2005

NEW YORK, NY, Oct. 17, 2005  — The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index is up 1.63% for September 2005, according to Oliver Schupp, President of Credit Suisse First Boston Tremont Index LLCand senior member of the CSFB Hedge Fund Investments Group. 
“Hedge Funds in general had another strong month. Emerging Markets managers (up 4.12%) and Long/Short Equity managers (up 2.02%) performed well, on the back of rallying global equity markets” saidMr. Schupp. “Event Driven Managers being mainly involved in the equity side posted strong returns in September. Globally new mergers were announced worth USD 239 bln. creating opportunities for themanagers to generate profits.”
“Global Macro Managers profited from tremendous opportunities in the marketplace which other sectors did not effectively take advantage of”, said Robert I. Schulman, Chief Executive Officer ofTremont Capital Management, Inc. “The rebound in convertibles continued based on increasing demand and new issuances of convertible bonds. The Convertible Arbitrage Sector ended up 1.10% inSeptember.”
Performance for the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index and its ten sub strategies is calculated monthly. September, August and year-to-date 2005 returns for all categories are listed below and at  

Category September 2005 August 2005 YTD 05
CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index
Convertible Arbitrage 1.10% 0.72% -2.99%
Dedicated Short Bias 3.00% 2.48% 17.73%
Emerging Markets 4.12% 2.29% 15.07%
Equity Market Neutral 0.90% 0.86% 3.58%
Event Driven 1.07% 0.85% 8.00%
   Distressed 1.24% 1.00% 8.19%
   Event Driven Multi-Strategy 1.00% 0.76% 8.14%
   Risk Arbitrage 0.23% 0.60% 2.33%
Fixed Income Arbitrage 0.12% 0.51% 0.49%
Global Macro 2.43% 0.71% 7.32%
Long/Short Equity 2.02% 1.12% 6.84%
Managed Futures 1.38% -0.87% 0.35%
Multi-Strategy 1.61% 1.04% 5.28%
Dow Jones Industrial Index* 0.94% -1.19% -0.34%
MSCI $ World Index* 2.63% 0.80% 6.65%
MSCI EAFE US $ Index* 4.47% 2.56% 9.50%
NASDAQ Composite US $ Index -0.02% -1.50% -1.09%

*Total Return Indices

             The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index value is 333.10 returning 233.10% for the 141-month period since inception (January 1, 1994through September 30, 2005).
For additional current and historical data including more comparisons with other widely followed global indices, visit the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index web site at
          The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index is comprised of 408 funds as of September 30, 2005. The following funds are no longer constituents of theCSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index: Bear Stearns Global Convertible, Generation Japan Master Fund, Rose Glen Capital Partners and Spyglass Capital.
The Index is constructed using the CSFB/Tremont database of more than 4,500 hedge funds.  It includes both open and closed funds located in the U.S. and offshore, but does not include funds offunds.  In order to qualify for inclusion in the index selection universe, a fund must have a minimum of US $50 million under management, a 12-month track record, and audited financialstatements. Index funds are selected using a formula based on assets under management. That ensures the Index represents at least 85% of total assets in each of ten strategy-based sectors in theselection universe.  Once added, funds are not excluded until they liquidate or fail to meet the reporting requirements, in order to minimize survivorship bias.  The Index is calculated asa total return index on a monthly basis, adjusted for asset in- and outflow, including a reselection according to the procedure outlined above on a quarterly basis.

Return for the CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Index
          The CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Indexis up an estimated 1.21% net for the month of September 2005.  The confirmed performance for August is up 0.52% net.
          Performance for the CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Index is calculated monthly. Returns for the months of September, August and year-to-date2005 are listed below and at  The return shown is net of a 0.07% calculation fee.

Index September 2005 August 2005 YTD 2005
CSFB/Tremont Investable
Hedge Fund Index
Sector Invest Convertible Arbitrage 1.00% 0.53% -1.07%
Sector Invest Dedicated Short Bias 1.81% 1.89% 11.50%
Sector Invest Emerging Markets 6.04% 2.35% 15.86%
Sector Invest Equity Market Neutral 0.28% 0.45% 2.41%
Sector Invest Event Driven 0.49% 1.15% 4.41%
Sector Invest Fixed Income Arbitrage 0.55% 0.14% 0.30%
Sector Invest Global Macro 1.62% -0.72% 1.40%
Sector Invest Long/Short Equity 2.57% 1.26% 8.61%
Sector Invest Managed Futures 1.36% -0.65% -1.58%
Sector Invest Multi-Strategy 1.18% 0.96% 4.14%

The CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Index was launched with 60 funds and was set at 100 on August 1, 2003. 
The funds currently included in the index are available on the web site at
The CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Index is designed to give investors broad exposure to hedge funds as an asset class.  It fulfills investor demand for index-linked products created toreduce dependency on fund manager selection and fund concentration risk.
The CSFB/Tremont Investable Hedge Fund Index is based on the broad CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index, which is the largest hedge fund index with $357 billion in assets managed by 408 funds as ofSeptember 30, 2005.
The funds in the CSFB/Tremont Investable Index or the CSFB/Tremont Sector Invest Indices are selected from the funds included in the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index. The CSFB/Tremont Investable HedgeFund Index and the CSFB/Tremont Sector Invest Index comprise the largest funds that are open to investment and meet certain liquidity conditions in each of the 10 style-based sectors. The fundselection rules can be found on and include the following criteria:
• Funds are selected from the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index by an asset-based formula
• The funds generally represent the largest eligible “open” funds in each of the ten sectors
            • The funds are determined by application of the construction rules
• Member funds must provide timely performance reporting, audited financials and offering memorandum review for inclusion
Additional features of the CSFB/Tremont Index series include:
• Transparency via and pages on Bloomberg and Reuters, Wall Street Journal Asia and Europe.
• A broad suite of index-linked investment products through CSFB
Credit Suisse First Boston Tremont Index LLC is the joint venture company of Credit Suisse First Boston Index Co., Inc., a subsidiary of Credit Suisse First Boston Inc., and Tremont CapitalManagement, Inc.  Credit Suisse First Boston Tremont Index LLC is headquartered at 11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY10010-3629.
                 Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) is a leading global investment bank servinginstitutional, corporate, government and individual clients. CSFB’s businesses include securities underwriting, sales and trading, investment banking, private equity, financial advisory services,investment research, venture capital, correspondent brokerage services and asset management. CSFB operates in 69 locations in 33 countries across five continents. The Firm is a business unit of theZurich-based Credit Suisse Group, a leading global financial services company.
                Tremont Capital Management, Inc. is one of the leading, global hedge fund management firms.  Theirbusiness lines include research and investment management services, sale and distribution of proprietary investment products, and manages discretionary portfolios.  Tremont advises on over $10billion in hedge fund assets.  Through its information and market intelligence, the firm tracks data on the performance of more than 3,000 alternative investment managers and funds. Tremont is headquartered in Rye, New York and has offices in Toronto, Bermuda and London.
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Certain statements in this Press Release constitute “forward looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Suchforward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the companies to be materiallydifferent from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. The Companies assume no obligation to update these forward looking statementsto reflect actual results, changes in assumption or changes in other factors affecting such forward looking statements.
For furtherinformation:                   OliverSchupp                         (212) 538-8179
                                               Robert I. Schulman                  (914) 925-1140
PR Contacts:                            MegBode                             (516) 869-6610
                                               Delaney, Mary Claire                 (212) 325-4290

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