Fund Of Resources-Hedge Fund Launch

West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.Net)- The Gibraltar based Sirius Investment Management is launching the Sirius Investment Fund II, a natural resource and mining-focused fund of hedge funds, which will be open to new investment on 1 November.

It will invest predominantly in hedge funds that invest in very early stage mining plays and other natural resources, projects which are not dependent on fluctuations in commodity prices to generate returns, according to Hedge Fund Review Magazine.

It is particularly interested in projects which are moving from exploration to production, the stage with the greatest uplift in valuation. Larger companies with established production are more sensitive to the commodity price, Sirius added, so the fund will not invest in such opportunities. It targets 20% and hopes to raise $300m.

The Sirius Resource Fund, a resources special situations hybrid fund launched in April this year is broadly targeting iron ore, gold, diamonds, energy and copper plays, but expects to concentrate primarily on African emerging markets. Its special situations strategy will see investment targeted in pre-initial public offering companies as well as in small-cap listed equities and physical assets.

The fund has delivered 54.2% since inception, with an August return of 16.07% and has $50 million in assets under management.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]

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