Goldman Unveils Plans For Two Credit Hedge Funds

FINalternatives- Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said the Wall Street giant has raised one hedge fund and plans another to capitalize on the credit crunch.

Blankfein said Goldman has raised $2.7 billion for credit hedge fund Liberty Harbor and expects to launch a long/short hedge fund, both designed “to take advantage of distressed opportunities in the credit markets,” he told the Merrill Lynch Banking & Financial Services Conference.

“As you know, we’ve had issues with the performance of certain of our quantitative funds, as have others in the space,” Blankfein said, referring to the widely-publicized losses in its flagship Global Alpha fund, as well as its Global Equity Opportunities and North American Equity Opportunities funds. “While direct quantitative hedge funds represent only 5% of our assets under management, we realized it would be prudent to further expand our product portfolio in actively-managed strategies.”

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