FINalternatives- James Jundt refuses to give a former hedge fund manager in his employ what a court says he should. So the court has decided to take away his business.
A Minnesota judge turned over Jundt Associates, which manages investments for corporate pension plans, to a third-party after Jundt and his son, Marcus, failed to pay Paul Bottum the $2.3 million in unpaid bonuses and interest the court ruled it owed.
Bottum said he was promised a $1 million annual bonus for beating the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index while working at Jundt’s former hedge fund, Southway Partners. He did so twice, but said he only received $175,000.
In October, Jundtâ€â€the former owner of the National Football League’s Minnesota Vikingsâ€â€said in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing that Jundt Associates managed almost $120 million. Jundt has also put his Lake Minnetonka mansion on the block for more than $50 million.