Monthly Archives: August 2003

Unfit For Public Consumption

MeVC took the lofty idea of making venture capital public and dragged it through the gutter. It seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. The year was 1999, and Wall Street worshipped all things venture. Newly public tech stocks […]

Angels can’t be only answer to VC prayers

THE issue of investment has never been a more vital one for Scotland’s new, young and growing business ventures. Similar to others around the world, the investment market in Scotland has experienced a traumatic two years. The source of venture […]

Information Firm Morningstar Releases Analyses of Mutual Funds

Aug. 10–Morningstar, a well-known and widely quoted information company, is packed with bright young people who earn their daily bread analyzing mutual funds. Their information and insights are followed by hundreds of thousands of investors and money managers. It’s worth […]

Picks reveal Morningstar’s thinking

Picks reveal Morningstar’s thinking Fund committee replaces 2 of its 401(k) choices By HANK EZELL Cox News Service Sunday, August 10, 2003 Atlanta — Morningstar, a well-known and widely quoted information company, is packed with bright young people who earn […]

All the Fed should do this week is wait

AVRUM D. LANK All the Fed should do this week is wait By AVRUM D. LANK of the Journal Sentinel staff Sunday, August 10, 2003 When members of the Federal Reserve Board gather Tuesday to consider what to do about […]

A New Partnership In Economic Development

This past week we traveled to California on our first joint economic development mission. We believe this is the beginning of a partnership between the governor and mayor’s offices that will helpstrengthen our economy and create employment opportunities. Our economic […]

Pennsylvania Governor Accepts Change to Venture Capital Platform

Aug. 10–The Rendell administration has accepted a major change to its economic stimulus package that proponents say could help Pennsylvania attract business investments with less risk to taxpayers. The change to the governor’s venture capital platform is significant because it […]

Venture Captalists Stay Optimistic about Future of Tech Industry, Survey Says

Aug. 10–High-tech might not be kicking, but for venture capitalists, it sure is alive. Despite the technology industry’s three-year debacle of layoffs, failed companies and plummeting stock prices, venture capitalists still believe high-tech can pack a punch in the future, […]

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Avrum D. Lank Column

Aug. 9–When members of the Federal Reserve Board gather Tuesday to consider what to do about interest rates, a grill will be more useful than a laptop. The meeting is being held only because it was scheduled, not because it […]

As Stocks Surge, Mutual-Fund Firms Go to Many Lengths to Lure Investors Back

Aug. 9–After a hiatus, some important data resurfaced in new ads for Fidelity Investments’ stock mutual funds: actual investment returns. With the second-quarter surge in the stock market that pushed the Dow Jones industrial average above 9,000 and investors rediscovering […]

Merrill bond unit thrives A star trader and its own bank get credit

Despite the recent management turmoil at Merrill Lynch, its profit from bond trading has been the envy of rival brokerage firms. Propelling the performance has been a group led by Barry Wittlin, astar derivatives trader who has quickly garnered attention […]

Jobs & Money: Investment: The bear who has been having a picnic in Europe

Europe has been a graveyard for the hopes of small British investors. An onslaught of marketing by fund management groups in the 1990s lured investors into funds that, it was promised, would benefitas sluggish European corporates embraced Anglo-Saxon capitalism (downsizing, […]