West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net) – Risk management expert, Dr. Stuart Turnbull, has been appointed as senior advisor to independent hedge fund technology provider GlobeOp’s Risk Services.
"Risk measurement, analytics and reporting are increasingly important to hedge funds and investors alike," said Tony Glickman, GlobeOp Financial Services head of Risk Services. "This presents GlobeOp with significant opportunities, as risk modeling is a core expertise and client service. Our clients can look forward to Stuart adding additional depth, creativity and pragmatism to the development of new GlobeOp risk models. They will also benefit from his expertise in transitioning theory to practical, efficient implementation."
Dr. Stuart M. Turnbull is the Bauer Chair Professor of Finance at the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston, TX. He has authored more than 50 academic papers on financial economics, law and economics topics, as well as two books on derivatives. With Robert Jarrow he introduced the reduced form approach for pricing credit-risky assets. This approach was later extended to consider counterparty risk and credit rating transition matrices in risk management and pricing, and to the practical difficulties of credit default swaps valuation.
He currently serves as an associate editor of Mathematical Finance, the International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance and the Journal of Derivatives. Turnbull previously held executive positions in fixed income research at Lehman Brothers in New York and in risk management at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Toronto, Ontario. He holds a Ph.D. in financial economics from the University of British Columbia, and an M.Sc. in statistics and operational research and a B.Sc. in physics from the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London, UK.
GlobeOp is listed on both the RiskTech 100 and FinTech 100 rankings of global risk and financial technology specialists.
Editing by Alex Akesson
For HedgeCo.Net
Email: alex@hedgeco.net
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