HedgeCo.net (West Palm Beach) – ”One of the focal points of the Obama Administration’s Financial System Regulatory Reform Plan is to seek the passage of legislation that would require hedge fund managers (as well as other private fund managers) to become registered as investment advisors with the SEC and be in compliance with the applicable requirements under the Investment Advisers Act,” HedgeOp Compliance said, announcing the launch of a new service to help managers deal with current registration issues.
There are presently three bills pending in Congress and a recent proposal from the Treasury that would achieve that goal if passed. ”We are seeing a lot of activity as hedge fund managers look to get ahead of the curve on these requirements and starting the process sooner rather than later,” Bill Mulligan, the CEO of HedgeOp said, ”In addition to allowing for key thoughtful planning, addressing the registration issue early will provide a great deal of comfort to investors and prospective investors.”
The newly launched ADVassist is designed to provide focused registration and compliance guidance, the hedge fund consulting firm said, to not only complete the registration process, but also to create a foundation for development of a compliance culture and infrastructure.
Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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