<body.content> <block> <p>NEW YORK, Oct. 14 /PRNewswire/ — What financing and leasing options are available for the aviation industry today? Where will sources of financing for newaircraft demand be found? And how can investors capitalize on these demands? To provide today’s airline investors, company management, and advisors with the right tools to benefit from these newopportunities, Strategic Research Institute is pleased to announce the 10th Annual Aircraft Finance Transactions Conference. This annual event provides key information and contacts for investors,advisors, and financial executives in the airline industry. To celebrate our 10th Annual event, we will be offering this year’s program at the Aladdin Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV onOctober 27 – 28, 2003.</p> <p>For the first time in ten years, Strategic Research Institute has structured the two-day conference agenda to be presented in half-day segments. Throughcompelling discussions, analytical presentations, and informative sessions, four major financial themes facing the commercial aviation industry will be addressed: New challenges and opportunities;Securing capital in a volatile market; Bankruptcy, restructuring, and turnaround management; and International updates. Among these segments, topics will include: new sources for raising capital,such as hedge funds and private equity; access to public markets for aircraft finance; airline restructuring and turnaround management; trading in distressed EETC debt and bankruptcy claims; trendsin ECAs, operating leasing and innovative structures; opportunities in China and the Middle East: Post-SARS and Post-war; how manufacturers are financing the capital requirements of airlines; and aCapetown update on contract drafting practices and transaction procedures.</p> <p>During the exclusive networking events, including luncheons and a cocktail party at the Aladdin Resort,attendees will have the opportunity to meet with decision-makers from: Aero Records & Title Company; Airlogic S.A.; Alston & Bird LLP; America West Airlines; Aviation Capital GroupCorp.; Avitas; Brigard & Urrutia; Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP; CIT Aerospace; Citigroup Global Markets; Credit Suisse First Boston; Daugherty, Fowler, Peregrin & Haught; DeBeeGilchrist & Lidia; debis AirFinance; Delta Airlines; Ernst & Young Corporate Finance LLC; Eureka Capital Markets; Evergreen International Aviation; Export – Import Bank of the U.S.;FINOVA Capital Corporation; First American Transportation Title Insurance Company; Fulbirght & Jaworski; GE Capital Aviation Services; Greenberg Traurig; Junyi Law Office; Kaye Scholer LLP;Kirkland & Ellis; Lewis and Roca, LLP; Mannheimer Swartling Lawfirm; McAfee & Taft, P.C.; McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP; Mesa Air Group; Moody’s Investors Service; Morton Beyer& Agnew; Novus Management & Consulting S.A.; Oasis International Leasing, Inc.; Pegasus Aviation, Inc.; PPM America; Residco; Rothschild, Inc.; Seabury Group; Standard &Poor’s Rating Services; TACA; Tekharbor, Ltd; TIMCO Aviation Services; Tombo Aviation, Inc.; Transamerica Aircraft Finance; UBS Investment Bank; US Bancorp Piper Jaffray; Wachovia Bank;Whittall-Scherfee Law Offices; Willis Lease Finance Corporation; Xavier, Bernardes, Braganca, Sociedade de Advogados; and many more.</p> <p style=”pre” id=”pre1″> For information or toregister: <a>http://www.srinstitute.com/AIR</a> or
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Contact: Katherine Jimenez
Strategic Research Institute
Phone: (310) 284-5939
E-mail: <virtloc idsrc=”dummy” value=”dummy”>kjimenez@srinstitute.com</virtloc> </p> <datasource>Strategic Research Institute</datasource> </block> <block class=”contact”> <p>CONTACT: Katherine Jimenez of Strategic Research Institute,<br/>+1-310-284-5939, <virtloc idsrc=”dummy” value=”dummy”>kjimenez@srinstitute.com</virtloc></p> </block> <block class=”website”> <p>Web site: <a>http://www.srinstitute.com/</a> </p> </block> </body.content>