People Moves: Agecroft Partners Hires 6th Managing Director

New York ( Hedge fund consulting and third party marketing firm Agecroft Partners has hired Tim Savage as its sixth Managing Director. Tim Savage brings over 20 years of relevant professional experience to his new role at Agecroft. Tim’s responsibilities at Agecroft Partners will include assisting with due diligence on potential hedge funds the firm may represent and introducing the firm’s hedge fund clients to large institutional investors located within the United States, Asia and the Middle East.

“Tim is a wonderful addition to our firm. I am excited to add someone to our organization that allows us to offer our clients global reach in their marketing efforts.” Don Steinbrugge, Agecroft’s Managing Partner, said, “Additionally, Tim brings a wealth of investment knowledge and business acumen that resonates with our clients and institutional investors. Finally, his knowledge of the hedge fund industry, and security markets should give him credibility with large institutional investors.”

Prior to Agecroft, Tim founded Oculus Capital Inc., a third party marketing firm. He has developed strong investments knowledge across a broad array of hedge fund strategies while developing mature professional relationships with institutional investors on a global basis.

Prior to founding Oculus, Tim was a VP of Equity Sales at Credit Suisse First Boston and started his investment career in the OTC Equity Trading Department of Alex. Brown and Sons. He earned his B.A. in Economics from the University of Virginia in 1989.

Tim’s addition to Agecroft will allow the firm to more fully penetrate the Middle East and Asia regions, providing global coverage for the single manager hedge funds that Agecroft represents. In addition, managers may choose to work with Agecroft on a specific geographical mandate if they choose.

Editing by Alex Akesson
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