New York (Hedge – The UCITS Hedge Fund Strategy Index is still up by 0,08% in June 2010 (by business day 10, June 14th 2010) after a week full of losses.
Out of the eleven strategies only two were able to return positive results in the second week of trading: CTA (+0,26) and Multi Strategy (+0,03%). The biggest losers from a weekly perspective were Global Macro (-2,46%), Fixed Income (-1,89%) and Credit (-1,37%).
From a month to date perspective the latter is still the biggest winner (+0,83%) due to high gains in the first week of June. The same accounts for Event Driven (+0,60%) which also had good results at the start of June and took losses in the last week of trading. The UCITS HFS Index now stands at 2,12% from a year to date perspective.
Editing by Alex Akesson
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