Hedge funds to tap into $800 billion life insurance policy portfolios

New York (HedgeCo.net) – Financial services firm, Absolute Life Solutions, Inc., is pursuing a diversified portfolio of insurance policy assets via acquisition of individual policies and discounted bundles of policy portfolios.

“Hedge funds and other private equity investors who amassed portfolios of policies need cash flow as they continue to weather the current financial crisis. We believe that now is an excellent time to be entering the life settlements market,”  Moshe Oratz, Chief Executive Officer of Absolute Life Solutions, said.

” The diminished capacity of these funds to purchase additional policies coupled with a significant reduction of buyers in the market, has created a perfect opportunity for companies such as Absolute Life Solutions Inc. to capitalize on. We will employ our proprietary valuation platform to assess policy portfolio buying opportunities and bring qualified assets into our diversified portfolio of life settlement investments.”

“Life settlement investing has the potential to be highly rewarding and requires the diligence and patient capital we have access to,” Oratz continued. “With estimates of life insurance policies owned by people over 65 growing to $800 billion in the year 2030, this is clearly a growing market and we are now seeing sophisticated investment houses such as Apollo Global Management raising capital to enter this market. It’s an encouraging sign that we believe validates our theory as to our point of entry and the timing of our current capital raising activities. With the experience of our management team, their access to policy sources, and our ability to raise sufficient capital to acquire and mature these assets, we believe we are ideally positioned for success in this market,” Oratz concluded.

About Life Settlement Transactions:

A life settlement transaction typically occurs when an individual of advanced aged no longer wishes to pay, or is unable to afford, a rising premium payment on their life insurance policies. When faced with the difficult choice of expending diminishing cash resources to make premium payments or simply allowing their policy lapse, the insured senior now has the opportunity to sell the policy for an immediate cash payment. Current life settlement transactions are allowing the individual to receive an average of 8 times the surrender value for an asset that was previous illiquid and that they may have had to abandon. More and more seniors are becoming aware of the potential of these transactions creating a growing supply of policies available for purchase by organization such as Absolute Life Solutions, Inc.

Editing by Alex Akesson

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