Hedge Fund Launches: Access Fund Management’s New SMAs

New York (HedgeCo.net) – Hedge fund investment adviser Access Fund Management, LLC (AFM), is now applying their expeience in hedge fund manager selection and portfolio optimization to their new Separately Managed Accounts (SMA) of mutual funds, launching the Access Alpha Growth Model (AAgN) and the Access Alpha Risk Reduced Model (AArN). Both are hypothetical, back-tested SMA models of mutual funds.

The new SMA’s have monthly investments, weekly withdawals and a minimum Investment of $100,000.

“AAgN and the AArN designed to exceed the S&P’s performance over the long term.” Michael Williams, President at AFM, said, “Both use only publicly traded mutual fund components, making them what AFM believes to be a superior investment option with full transparency and liquidity, if you will…..relative return models with an absolute return-like flavor.

“When the S&P is rising, the AAgN and the AArN are expected to have positive returns; when the S&P is falling, the AAgN and AArN are also expected to decline, but to a lesser degree than the S &P. The AArN should deliver slightly less growth at a lesser risk than the AAgN.

“The model ratios chosen for the AAgN are driven by desired, predetermined objective results in different attributes of performance, with focus on the key attributes of growth and positive months’ performance. The key attributes focused on in the AArN are drawdowns and standard deviation.

“AFM, in their Performex® models, seeks to focus on attributes of performance because it believes that they are the closest thing to a “crystal ball” that is available. That is to say, if a fund stays true to its style, AFM believes that it is likely that similar results will be repeated in similar market conditions in the future – as would the complementary blend of funds in the model’s attributes results.” Williams said.

Access Fund Management, LLC (AFM) is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser that designs and offers investment solutions and products for “high net worth investors”.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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