Take upmost care when choosing a hedge fund

( www.netassets.co.za )  Some of the world’s most heinous atrocities have been committed in the name of religion. However, many of the world’s most caring acts of love and compassion have also been attributed to religion.

The term “hedge fund” conjures up an equally wide range of actions, not to mention emotions. Just as the actions of lunatic-fringe religious fanatics create a bad name for some religions, so certain people in the hedge-fund industry create a poor image, while the excellent deeds of other hedge-fund managers are overlooked.

Because of this problem, many players in the field have sought to differentiate themselves, some calling themselves “alternative investment strategy” managers. What is affectionately known as a hedge fund can be structured to generate a return that is very similar to a bank call account at a similar or even lower risk. At the other extreme, certain hedge funds are taking risks and sometimes providing returns that boggle the mind. Then, of course, there is everything else in between.

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