GEMFonds Global Emerging Market Hedge Fund Launch

New York (HedgeCo.Net) – A team of seasoned investment veterans plan to launch a Global Emerging Market hedge fund for Gemfonds Plc by the end of the summer according to Chief Executive Daniel Broby.

Bent Kristensen, former Chief Portfolio Manager at Nordea Investment Management, will lead a Global Emerging Markets strategy designed to appeal to investors that want long term exposure to BRIC and the Next Eleven, whilst hedging downside risk. His team includes Daniel Yates CFA, whose experience with CDS and other forms of downside protection compliment Mr Kristensen’s three decades of experience.

The fund’s top down strategy will be performed by Said De Saque, an economist with a similar number of years under his belt working for top US investment banks. The risk officer, Gohou Danon, formerly of Silk Invest, will assist Kennet Haslund, the Chief Operating Officer to monitor exposures and positions. Mr Haslund helped set up the first regulated and listed hedge fund in the Danish market for Bankinvest. The fund will have a low volatility, due to itscombination of equities and high yield emerging market bonds.

The fund will be set up in Luxembourg as a UCITS IV structure. It will not utilize leverage. Initial seed capital is expected to be a modest Euro 20m. The fund aims to grow this through marketing effort to “at least Euro 50m” by the end of the year.

Alex Akesson
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