Old Lane Hedge Fund Selects Trading Platform

WEST PALM BEACH, FL (HEDGECO.NET) – On Thursday, Old Lane hedge fund stated that they chose Triple Point as their current trading platform. In the press release Old Lane stated that Triple Point offered the only solution that met all the firm’s requirements: rapid (3 month) implementation; a single platform for physical and financial trading of commodities, including, power, oil, and gas; intuitive for diverse users; and scalable for future needs.

Old Lane hedge fund was founded by former senior executives of Morgan Stanley, and the hedge fund is currently launching a $3 billion hedge fund and a $500 million India-specific private equity fund that will invest in the market infrastructure. It is looking more and more like the East will outgrow the West in the next 10-15 years. The relative sizes of the economies will become so huge that the East can no longer be taken for granted.

Triple Point Technology specializes in trading, risk management, scheduling and logistics solutions for commodities, including power, oil, gas, coal, metals, agricultural products, and freight. The selection by Old Lane hedge fund reinforces Triple Point’s position as one of the leading solutions for multi-commodity trading and risk management.

Alex Akesson
Contributing Writer
Email: [email protected]

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