WEST PALM BEACH, FL (HEDGECO.NET) – Northern Trust, a group of institutional investors, held a survey regarding hedge fund trancparency. Respondents included single strategy hedge fund managers, fundof hedge funds managers and institutional investors. Collectively, those surveyed either invest or manage in excess of E 106 billion in hedge fund assets.
The survey, published in a white paper is believed to be the first European study to look at the effects of the changing investor profile. The paper is titled The “Forced†Institutionalisation of the Hedge Fund Industry, as new investors in hedge funds will bring additional burdens, and require more standardisation from those managing the assets.
In an interview with Global Investor magazine, Marc Russell-Jones, the vice president of global fund services at Northern Trust, said; “The transparency debate is now evolving to include more focus on the operational, and not just the portfolio level, aspects of a hedge fund manager’s business.â€Â
46% of all those surveyed said that they would welcome an increase in regulatory supervision. 76% of firms interviewed who target the institutional market said they have already or plan to begin, a higher level of standardisation. Institutional investors, their advisers and fund of hedge funds managers targeting the institutional market, were most in favour of more regulation. By contrast, 32% of all those surveyed said they were against further regulation and standardisation, this group was predominantly single strategy hedge fund managers and fund of funds serving high net worth investors.
Alex Akesson
Contributing Writer
Email: Editor@hedgeco.net
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