Harcourt’s Belmont Fund registered for public distribution

HedgeCo.Net (New York) – Harcourt Investment Consulting AG is pleased to announce that its Belmont (LUX) style fund of hedge funds range has been approved for public distribution in Switzerland. This takes effect immediately.

The Belmont (LUX) funds are funds of hedge funds in the legal structure of a SICAV part II under the Law of Luxembourg and domiciled in Luxembourg. The funds range was launched by Harcourt in Q1 and Q2 2006 with the aim of giving investors access to onshore domiciled pure style fund of hedge funds. The modularity of the products allows investors to get style-pure exposure to best of breed managers in their respective strategies.

Harcourt Investment Consulting AG is the Fund’s Swiss representative and Crédit Suisse is the Fund’s paying agent in Switzerland. The Fund’s prospectus, annual and semi-annual reports and the articles can be obtained free of charge from the Swiss representative.

The Belmont (LUX) style fund of funds range includes the following products:

  • Belmont (LUX) Fixed Income Fund covering relative value and directional fixed income strategies
  • Belmont (LUX) Long Short Equity Fund covering directional equity strategies
  • Belmont (LUX) Market Neutral Fund covering relative value equity strategies
  • Belmont (LUX) Global CTA Fund covering cta and macro strategies
  • Belmont (LUX) Natural Resources Fund covering commodity strategies

The launch of this onshore fund range represents an important extension to Harcourt’s existing offshore style fund of funds range with a proven track record of several years.

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