West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net) – Reflecting a growth in corporate activities, Vodia Group has rebranded as Finadium. The move was made, the re-named Finadium says, to showcase an ability to develop new ideas and create products and marketing strategies in financial markets, expanding beyond the original scope of Vodia Group.
The Finadium name comes from the abbreviation Fin for finance and the latin word Aedium, meaning house. As Finadium, the firm emphasizes its core value proposition – providing ideas, product development and marketing strategies to the securities and investments industry.
Based on proprietary surveys and market knowledge, the company is looking multiple market sectors such as institutional investors, hedge funds and traditional asset managers.
As part of the rebranding, the company are launching a monthly newsletter for portfolio managers, traders and others looking for briefings on prime brokerage, securities finance and custody but who do not need the detail of our full reports.
Also expanding into frontier and emerging markets, Josh Galper, Managing Principal, says “As Finadium, we are pleased to expand our audience in prime brokerage, securities finance and custody to include a broader range of market professionals. We also look forward to tackling the complex subject matter of financial services in frontier and emerging markets.”
Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: alex@hedgeco.net
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