Statewide Conference Featuring Federal Programs Offering $1.6 Billion In Funding for Innovative Research & Development Solutions Slated For September 23 in Sacramento

<body.content> <block> <p>SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 27 /PRNewswire/ — The Golden Capital Network and its California partner organizations announced today a Statewide Conference inSacramento slated for Tuesday, September 23 in conjunction with the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The conference is part ofSWIFT IV (SBIR/STTR — Where Innovation Focuses Technology), which is an eight-day multi-State bus tour that aims to fuel technology growth and development across the Northwest by promoting awarenessof the SBIR and STTR Programs. This federal initiative offers more than $1.6 billion annually to U.S. small technology companies and research institutions. Program managers from 11 different Federalagencies will be participating in the conference and will be available to meet one-on- one with business owners, entrepreneurs, scientists, and researchers (that include teachers and educators,agricultural and healthcare professionals, medical practitioners, and engineers) to offer insight on how to tap into the $1.6 billion of SBIR and STTR funding earmarked for their successful researchadvancements.</p> <p>According to Jon Gregory, President/CEO of Golden Capital Network, “The September 23 conference in Sacramento provides a once-in-a-year opportunity for entrepreneurs,scientists and researchers to meet key managers of the leading federal programs that fund innovative research and development projects that meet the needs of various federal initiatives and havecommercial potential.” Gregory continued, “Innovative technology-focused companies are the key to California’s economic recovery and this conference provides a unique access point to key sources ofhigh risk funding for feasibility testing and prototyping of new ground-breaking technologies.”</p> <p>”With technology advancing at a rapid rate and uncertain economic conditions, it isessential that we promote Federal funding opportunities to small businesses across the country — particularly in the Northwest, to help them stay competitive,” said Jo Anne Goodnight, SBIR/STTRprogram manager at NIH. “Small technology firms throughout the United States represent a unique national resource for economic growth and technological innovation.”</p> <p>Conferenceattendees can participate in one-on-one meetings and informative seminars with research and development (R&amp;D) program managers from the following agencies:</p> <pstyle=”pre-list”> — National Institute of Health (NIH),

— National Science Foundation (NSF),

— Department of Education (DOE),


— Departments of Defense (Special Operations Command, National Imagery

and Mapping Agency, Departments of the Army and Navy,

— Department of Transportation (DOT),

— National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and,

— Department of Energy

</p> <p>”The goal of the SWIFT Tour is to educate and raise awareness about the SBIR/STTR Programs among small technology companies,” said Jo Anne Goodnight. “While we participate in a variety of outreach endeavors, this multi-State bus tour allows for maximal exposure at a minimal expense providing an opportunity for Americans to see the ‘faces’ of what might have otherwise been perceived as a faceless bureaucracy.”</p> <p>The SBIR and STTR Programs issue awards to U.S. companies with 500 or fewer employees for conducting R&amp;D projects, which have commercialization potential in the private and/or public sector. The program has three phases. Phase I awards up to $100,000 to test the feasibility of a concept. Phase II supports funding up to $750,000 that awardees use to expand first-phase results into a prototype. Phase III, encourages small business awardees to seek third-party funding sources from investors and venture capitalists to transfer the new technology into the commercial marketplace. Specific information about eligibility criteria can be found at <a></a>.</p> <p>Since 1982, SBIR and STTR have funded high-risk projects awarding more than $8 billion to small businesses, researchers, universities and research institutions across the nation. The program has fostered innovation, helped create new jobs and provided small businesses with that extra edge to compete for lucrative government contracts and grant opportunities.</p> <p>”What we hope to accomplish by supporting the SWIFT Tour is to not only help small businesses, but to also strengthen our national economy,” said Joe Henebury, SBIR program manager for the Department of Transportation. “And, you build a strong national economy one local economy at a time.”</p> <p>Conference partners include the Sacramento Regional Technology Alliance, Tech Ventures Network, LARTA, San Diego Regional Technology Alliance, Valley Technology Accelerator, UC Davis CONNECT and UCMBEST.</p> <p>Cost to attend the conference is $145. Members of conference partner organizations are eligible to receive a discount. For more information or to register for the California conference in Sacramento on September 23, visit <a></a> or call 530-893-8828.</p> <p>For more information on the SWIFT Tour or the SBIR or STTR Program, visit <a></a> or contact Deborah Akwei at 202-889-5064.</p> <p>About the Golden Capital Network (GCN) — Formed in 1999, GCN is a nonprofit corporation with the mission of educating and showcasing promising entrepreneurs to its growing network of angel, corporate and venture capital investors, and public research and development funding sources, to facilitate quality economic growth. GCN hosts a series of award-winning venture capital conferences, facilitates the Silver and Gold Venture Club (an exclusive investor-only networking group that connects investors across various California regions), the V3 Economic Accelerator Program, the Entrepreneurs Grill, the Two-Minute Drill and Accelerate It!, a two-day boot camp for aspiring entrepreneurs. Since its inception, companies featured at GCN events have gone on to raise over $300 million in investment capital.</p> <p>About SBIR/STTR — The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and the Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Program is a three- phase award system where small technology businesses propose innovative ideas that meet the specific research and development needs of the Federal Government. Since its inception in 1982, SBIR and STTR have provided funding to thousands of small businesses nationwide.</p> <p>About the SWIFT Tour — The SWIFT Tour, SBIR/STTR — Where Innovation Focuses Technology, is an annual, multi-state bus tour that travels to areas of the United States with low SBIR/STTR participation in an effort to raise awareness of the program. More than 10 SBIR federal agencies collaborate to sponsor the SWIFT Tour. Federal agencies participating in SWIFT III may include National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Navy, Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, Army, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Special Operations Command. </p> <datasource>Golden Capital Network</datasource> </block> <block class=”contact”> <p>CONTACT: Jon Gregory, President/CEO of Golden Capital Network,<br/> +1-530-893-8828, or <virtloc idsrc=”dummy” value=”dummy”></virtloc></p> </block> <block class=”website”> <p>Web site: <a></a> </p> <p>Web site: <a></a> </p> </block> </body.content>

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