Private Equity Growth Capital Council Names Steve Judge President and CEO

The Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) today announced that Steve Judge has been appointed president and chief executive officer.  Judge succeeds Douglas Lowenstein, who stepped down last year. Since August 2011, Judge served as interim president and chief executive officer, prior to that he served as the Council’s vice president for government relations.  The appointment is effective immediately.

Mark B. Tresnowski, chairman of the PEGCC and managing director and general counsel of Madison Dearborn Partners, a PEGCC member firm, said, “After a search and several months of Steve’s leadership, it became clear that Steve’s effective advocacy during a challenging and dynamic time for our industry make him the right person for this important role. With the full support of the PEGCC membership, we are confident that Steve and his team will succeed in their mission.”

Mr. Judge said, “I am extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished in just a few years since the founding of the PEGCC and I look forward to building on that record of success. Our goal is to engage policymakers, the media, and the public in a national dialogue about how private equity and growth capital firms drive economic growth, strengthen and improve businesses, and provide financial security for millions of Americans. The year is already off to an exciting start, and the Council is ready for the challenges to come.”

Judge has a long and distinguished career in Washington. Before joining the Council in March 2007, Judge was Senior Vice President, Government Affairs and Head of the Washington Office for the Securities Industry Association (SIA), now the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). Judge also served as a member of several congressional staffs. From 1987 to 1991 he was Deputy Staff Director of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives. Judge came to Washington, D.C. in 1978 with Congressman Bruce Vento (DFL-MN), eventually becoming the Congressman’s Legislative Director. He began his legislative career in the Minnesota State Legislature as Staff Assistant with the Senate Committee on Education. Judge holds a Bachelor of Science degree in government from St. John’s University in Minnesota.


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