FBI Raids Company With Link To Wolf Of Wall Street’s Danny Porush

wolf-wall-streetNew York (HedgeCo.Net) – FBI agents have raided a Florida medical device company run by Daniel M. Porush, who’s character inspired that of  Donnie Azoff, in the movie Wolf Of Wall Street. 

An FBI spokesman said the agency is conducting “law enforcement activity in the vicinity.”

Reporters saw dozens of FBI agents, the Florida Division of Insurance Fraud, and local police around the site. Witnesses told Reuters the agents earlier closed entrances to the building that houses Med-Care and removed boxes of files.

Daniel Porush is a New York entrepreneur and former stock broker who is known for his supervision of a “pump and dump” stock fraud scheme in the 1990s. In 1999, as the president of Stratton Oakmont brokerage house, Porush was convicted of securities fraud and money laundering, for which he served 39 months in prison

“The process used today was unexpected, but the company is cooperating, and will continue to cooperate, fully. The company has nothing to hide.” Justin S. Weddle of Brown Rudnick, attorney for Med-Care, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.  “Med-Care Diabetic & Medical Supplies, Inc. has always been fully transparent in cooperating with regulatory or governmental inquiries that it receives. This inquiry is no different. In fact, in July of last year, we learned that a federal regulatory agency was inquiring about Med-Care’s business practices, and we contacted them and offered to answer their questions and provide whatever information they needed.”

Jon Porush, the son of the businessman played by Jonah Hill in the Martin Scorsese flick, has said that the movie gives the wrong impression of dad Danny Porush during his Stratton Oakmont days.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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