People Moves: Hedge Fund Association Expands into Latin America

New York ( – The Hedge Fund Association (HFA), announced its expansion into Latin America along with the appointment of five Directors for the new Latin American Chapters.

“The hedge fund industry has become increasingly global in scope. As such, it makes sense for the HFA to expand so that we can advocate on behalf of the international alternatives industry,” said David Friedland, President of the Hedge Fund Association and President of Magnum U.S. Investments.

Victor Hugo Rodriguez, CEO of LatAm Alternatives was appointed by the HFA’s board to serve as the Director of the Latin American Regional Chapter.

“I am honored to take an active role in the HFA’s international growth and its advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry.” Rodriguez said, “I hope that the Latin American HFA can serve as a catalyst for the expansion of our industry in this key economic region.”

Marcia Rothschild, Head of BNP Paribas Securities Services Brazil and Otavio Vieira, Managing Director / Chief Investment Officer of Safdié Gestão de Patrimônio (a wholly subsidiary of Banque Safdié), will serve as Co-directors of the Brazilian Chapter.

Additionally, Juan Luis Rivera, Partner at Moneda Asset Management will be appointed as Director of the Chilean Chapter and Daniel Osorio, CEO of Andean Capital Management will take the reins as Director of the Colombian Chapter.

Over the last several years, the HFA has been aggressively expanding its footprint to include 4 regional U.S. Chapters, Cayman Islands and EU Chapters and an Asian affiliate organization. The HFA has also lobbied on behalf of small and medium sized hedge funds to increase the Dodd-Frank AUM registration threshold from the originally proposed $30 million to the current $150 million.

Already holding more U.S. events than any other hedge fund industry association, The HFA will launch the Latin American Chapter this summer at an event on Brickell Avenue in Miami.

Editing by Alex Akesson
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