March 23rd Event Brings Together Top Hedge Fund Managers and Investors

New York – March 15, 2011 – The earthquake in Japan and continuing political unrest in the Middle East is realigning the financial markets in unpredictable ways. Investment managers and geopolitical analysts will discuss the impact of recent global events on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at the Princeton Club in New York City. FINforums, which organizes and produces conferences for the hedge fund community, is organizing the half-day event.

Highlights of the Global Macro and Geopolitical Risk Conference include a one-on-one fireside chat with hedge fund legend Barton Biggs and a keynote address by Middle East expert Gary Sick. Award-winning journalist John Seigenthaler will serve as Chair and Moderator. Other speakers include Caroline Bentz (Parker Global Strategies); Amer Bisat (Traxis Partners); Nicholas Colas (ConvergEx Group); Bertrand Delgado (Roubini Global Economics); Justin Dew (Welton Investment Corporation); and Kenneth Kuhn (Global Capital Investments).

“Never before in the history of the world have countries, regions and economies been so interconnected. The industry experts at next week’s FINforums event will discuss how political, social and economic issues factor into investment decisions,” said Deirdre Brennan, Partner of FINforums and Founder and Publisher of the leading news source for alternative investments, FINalternatives.

“We have a distinguished group of speakers with a wealth of knowledge. We are eager to hear their reaction to the recent events that are changing our world. Our goal is to provide hedge fund managers with the valuable perspective they need to make informed decisions going forward,” added John Seigenthaler, CEO of Seigenthaler PR – NY and a Partner at FINforums.

NorthPoint Trading Partners, a member company of ConvergEx Group, Ambrose, and Chivas Regal are sponsoring the event.

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