Over 400 investment professionals from 34-different countries are currently on line viewing today’s “Idea Generating Conference” via web streaming. HedgeCoVest and Investopedia are sponsoring the one day “Idea Generating Conference” to hear from hedge fund managers about their strategies, best ideas, and 2016 outlook. If you would like to chek it out, the conference is being streamed LIVE http://www.investopedia.com/ideagen
HedgeCoVest CEO Evan Rapoport will provide a live presentation about HedgeCoVest today at 2:30EST. You can hear from managers on the HedgeCoVest platform, meet 1-on-1 with managers to understand their strategy and tactics, learn how to utilize the HedgeCoVest platform as an investment tool, discover why hedge funds should be a part of every investment portfolio, and hear “Best Ideas” presentations and perspectives from leading firms.
The conference is streaming LIVE at the following link: http://www.investopedia.com/ideagen. For more information on HedgeCoVest, please visit www.hedgecovest.com