Early View: Hedge Funds Posted Positive Performance in March

New York (HedgeCo.net) – Returns for the Credit Suisse LAB Liquid Indices suggest that hedge funds experienced positive performance in March according to Jordan Drachman, Head of Research for Alternative Beta Strategies at Credit Suisse.

“The Credit Suisse Liquid Alternative Beta Index (“CSLAB”), which aims to reflect the return of the overall hedge fund industry, generated positive performance in March, finishing up 1.28% for the month.” Dr. Drachman noted, “All four LAB sector indices posted gains as managers profited from a number of diverse strategies which generated positive returns across both equity and credit markets. The LAB Event Driven Liquid Index remains the strongest performing index year-to date, returning 4.39%.”

LAB is a series of indices that seek to replicate the aggregate return profiles of alternative investment strategies using liquid, tradable instruments that are selected and weighted using an objective and transparent rules-based methodology. An algorithm determines the appropriate factors and weightings employed in seeking to replicate the returns of specific hedge fund strategies.

Editing by Alex Akesson
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