Evolved Alpha Opens Flagship Hedge Fund to New Investors

New York (HedgeCo.net) – Evolved Alpha’s flagship Multistrategy hedge fund is opening to new investors following their first year of operations.

“Performance has been strong; with the Multistrategy share class up 5% year-to-date, while showing little correlation to beta benchmarks or other hedge funds.” Justin Pawl, CFA, CAIA and co-founder of Evolved Alpha, LLC said.

Evolved Alpha is a next-generation solution that provides transparent, liquid and secure access to a dynamic portfolio of specialized alpha strategies. The portfolio is comprised of approximately 1,000 global positions with an emphasis on liquid financial instruments: equities, futures, options and currencies. The fund consists of specialized strategies run by external managers all in the form of managed accounts. Evolved Alpha owns all underlying positions, minimizing fraud risk and increasing valuation certainty.

The firm was founded by Jesse Redmond and Justin Pawl, former Co-Portfolio Managers of the Alpha Titans funds. In terms of opening the fund to new investors Redmond explained, “recent performance has lead to increased demand. We will always be a boutique firm focused on specialized strategies – unique strategies trading unique markets. Based on current agreements we can deploy over $200mm without altering the portfolio. ”

Over the past year the firm has focused on building a scalable business and portfolio predicated on top-tier partners and leading-edge technology. All portfolio positions are aggregated daily and processed in a sophisticated risk-management platform to evaluate risks such as gross and net exposures, VAR, concentrations and correlations on a position, strategy and fund level.

“The objective is to deliver uncorrelated returns with an emphasis on out-performance in higher-risk environments. Each day we know the risks we are taking, and this is simply not true for the majority of multi-manager solutions. In today’s dynamic world, understanding your risks is critical.” Pawl concluded.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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