Here’s What Happened When I Went To Vegas With 1,800 Hedge Fund Managers

Business Insider – I was hoping for “Margin Call” meets “Spring Breakers”: 1,800 rich Wall Street dudes winging westward for four Krug-soaked days in the famous mecca of misbehavior and debauchery, Las Vegas, to talk shop of course. You imagine an orgy of black cards, mountains of powdery substances, late night poker games with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table, ladies of questionable employment in very short dresses, steaks so finely aged and bloody you don’t know whether to eat them or call an ambulance.

Frankly, the idea of attending SALT Las Vegas 2014, the biggest hedge fund conference of the year, scared me a bit, especially as I figured I’d be one of the few women in attendance. But I’m used to it. I’m a New Yorker, and I’m good at being one. I’ve found the afterparties, and the after- afterparties, and seen bankers sweat through $8,000 suits dancing til dawn. I was partying on West 27th Street when Lindsey Lohan could still get acting gigs, convincing Kenny Kenny to let me into the club. I’m not exactly a Disney princess. So there are things I know — like that I hate EDM as much as I hate trying to calculate a company’s EBITDA (it’s hard work, people).

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