DealBreaker – Early on in hedge fund manager Crispin Odey’s relationship with his chickens, he made them a promise, about the things he’d do to make them happy. “I’ll move heaven and earth,” he told them. “You’ll be the envy of all the other chickens in the UK. Anything you want, anything you desire, will be yours.” And while a lot of people make similar pledges at the beginning of romances, when things are all heady and you can’t bear to be apart for any period of time, Odey kept his word.
By 2012, his chickens were leading the kind of life most fowl wouldn’t dare dream of. Still, there was one thing Odey hadn’t given them, one thing he hadn’t gone the extra mile for. The chickens kept their feelings to themselves for as long as possible and then one night, while they were all watching a documentary about the Taj Mahal, they couldn’t keep their feelings inside any longer.