UCITS Hedge Fund Strategy Index down 0,15% in June

New York (HedgeCo.net) – After notable losses in May, the UCITS hedge fund strategy (HFS) Index was negative again in June 2010, although only by -0,15%. After the first week of trading every sub-strategy returned positive results, consequently the broad index was up by 0,82%.

Most of the gains were lost in week two (-0,74%), and although the third week of trading added another 0,17% to the monthly performance it was the last week of June (-0,40%) that turned the UCITS HFS Index negative on a month to date basis. Strategies like Credit and Currency that started strong at the beginning of the month couldn’t maintain their profits and turned even negative by month end.

As in the previous month the UCITS HFS Index was very inhomogeneous from a sub-strategy perspective: out of the four positive performing strategies Event Driven and Fixed Income were the most successful with gains of 1,14% and 0,35% respectively. The biggest losers were Arbitrage (-0,72%), Currency (-0,64%) and Convertible (-0,33%), which all started positively in June but after erratic movements throughout the month finished in the red. Convertible in particular turned from being positive to negative each week with swings of over half a percent.

The most volatile strategy in June was Credit, which after a great first week (+2,20%) finished with a monthly loss of -0,27%. From a year to date perspective three out of the eleven strategies remain in the red, while the broad UCITS HFS Index now stands at +1,89%.

Editing by Alex Akesson
For HedgeCo.net
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