Third Quarter Hedge-Fund Strategy Outlook: K2 Advisors

(Harvest) Perhaps one of the most popular K2 Perspectives we’ve ever written was the June 2014 issue, where we referenced Roy Scheider’s memorable line from the 1975 blockbuster Jaws . We thought now, especially given the current state of the markets, would be a good time to revisit the subject.

For us, the infamous Jaws line (a brilliant ad lib, by the way) allegorically brings to mind our current situation. While risk assets continue to rally, investors—much like their beleaguered counterparts from the fictional island of Amity—remain cautious, and indeed may be looking for a bigger, or at the very least a better, boat. Perhaps they seek a craft more sturdily constructed to withstand the potential macro risks circling just under the deceptively calm market waters?we know we certainly would.

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