IndexUniverse—the leading independent authority on exchange-traded funds (ETFs), indexes, and index funds—and Brown Brothers Harriman—one of the market leading ETF custodians and administrators with $170 billion in ETF assets—announced today that it will publish its first “Annual Advisor Survey” in the September 2013 issue of IndexUniverse’s leading publication, ETF Report, the longest-running ETF news publication in the world.
“IndexUniverse has been covering the ETF market for over a decade and we have an incredibly sophisticated audience of ETF-focused investors,” said Matt Hougan, President of ETF Analytics and Publications for IndexUniverse. “This was a natural way to reach out to these experts and find out what they know, how they think and what they’re looking for in the ETF market.”
The report includes responses from more than 1,000 readers from two ambitious surveys, totaling more than 40 questions. The ETF survey conveys key insight into financial advisors’ thoughts and opinions on significant subjects ranging from how planners select ETFs, how much they value index brands, their market outlooks and which ETF firms have the top reputation for quality, among other topics. The survey also looked at how investors select newly launched ETFs, and what new ETF issuers had to do to attract attention from investors. Some highlighted findings include:
· 50% of respondents say the index brand is of equal or greater importance to the ETF brand
· 53% of respondents say they would pay at least 6 extra basis points for an ETF with a “brand-name index” covering emerging markets
· An ETF’s strategy is the most important factor when selecting an ETF; trading spreads are the least
· 41% of advisors expect to increase their clients’ allocation to equities in the next six months; just 6% plan to lower it
IndexUniverse talks to financial advisors daily, covering the latest news and trends in the ETF industry. The company gathers nearly 1,300 people each year at its landmark Inside ETFs conference, provides research through its ETF Analytics tool, and profiles leading advisors in ETF Report with a circulation of 12,500 advisors and industry leaders.
IndexUniverse partnered with Brown Brothers Harriman, which works with a diverse cadre of asset managers to introduce ETF products globally, to compile the survey. BBH’s leading position in the investor services industry puts the firm in a prime position to stay abreast of the latest industry developments and apply its knowledge, expertise and insights to guide clients as they bring new products to market.
“We are thrilled to be working with IndexUniverse to publish the results of this insightful and important survey, shedding light on the thoughts and opinions of some of the leading financial advisors working with ETFs today”, said Shawn McNinch, Senior Vice President, Global Head of ETF Services. “The intelligence gathered in this survey is extremely valuable for the product development and distribution strategies for many of the world’s leading ETF sponsors.”