Hedge Funds Suffer 2nd Quarterly Net Redemption

(Opalesque) In the week ending 27 July 2018, investors withdrew an estimated $7.88 billion from global hedge funds in June 2018, bringing overall Q2 2018 net flows for the industry to -$5.43 billion, the industry’s second quarterly net redemption since Q4 2016. Total estimated hedge fund assets are now $3.308 trillion. Still, rising volatility is motivating asset owners to take a close look at investment strategies that mitigate risk. Volatility managers running long- and short-volatility strategies and tail-risk specialists report a sharp rise in inquiries and investment, particularly from institutions. Meanwhile, the U.S. insurance industry is said to reduce its risk appetite for hedge fund investments, as holdings declined by 8.5% to $16.4bn from $17.9bn in 2016.

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